Davidson Jewels

Davidson Jewels: A Guide to the Best Gemstones for Engagement Rings

Looking for the perfect engagement ring? Discover the enchanting world of birthstones month by month, the best gemstones for engagement rings, and where to find the finest Calgary jewelry stores. Dive into the debate of sapphire vs diamond price and find out which gem suits your love story.


Engagement rings symbolize a love story, a commitment, and a future together. But with so many options, how do you choose the right one? If you’re in Calgary, the choices are even more delightful, thanks to the stunning collections at Davidson Jewels. We’ll guide you through the mesmerizing journey of birthstones month by month, help you decide between sapphire and diamond prices, and show you the best gemstones for engagement rings. Let’s dive in!

Birthstones Month by Month

Birthstones add a personal touch to your engagement ring, making it uniquely yours. Each month is associated with a specific gemstone, believed to bring luck and protection to those born under its sign. Let’s explore these gems and their significance.

January: Garnet

Garnet, the stone of protection, is perfect for those born in January. Its deep red hue symbolizes trust and eternal friendship, making it a beautiful choice for an engagement ring.

February: Amethyst

Amethyst, known for its vibrant purple color, represents clarity and calm. It’s ideal for a February-born partner who brings peace and stability into your life.

March: Aquamarine

Aquamarine, with its serene blue tones, symbolizes courage and communication. This gemstone is perfect for March-born individuals who value honesty and a peaceful relationship.

April: Diamond

April’s birthstone is the diamond, representing strength and everlasting love. It’s no wonder diamonds are the traditional choice for engagement rings, symbolizing a bond that will stand the test of time.

May: Emerald

Emerald, the stone of rebirth, signifies growth and patience. Its lush green color makes it an eye-catching choice for an engagement ring, perfect for May birthdays.

June: Pearl

Pearls, known for their purity and elegance, are ideal for June-born partners. They represent loyalty and a calm, nurturing love.

July: Ruby

Ruby, with its fiery red color, symbolizes passion and protection. This gemstone is perfect for those born in July, adding a touch of boldness to your engagement ring.

August: Peridot

Peridot, known for its bright green hue, represents strength and positive energy. It’s a vibrant choice for August-born individuals who bring joy and light into your life.

September: Sapphire

Sapphire, the stone of wisdom, is ideal for September birthdays. Its deep blue color symbolizes loyalty and trust, making it a popular choice for engagement rings.

October: Opal

Opal, with its kaleidoscope of colors, represents creativity and love. It’s perfect for October-born partners who bring excitement and imagination into your relationship.

November: Topaz

Topaz, known for its calming blue and warm golden tones, symbolizes love and affection. This versatile gemstone is a wonderful choice for November birthdays.

December: Turquoise

Turquoise, with its soothing blue-green color, represents protection and tranquility. It’s perfect for December-born individuals who value peace and harmony.

The Best Gemstones for Engagement Rings

Choosing the right gemstone for your engagement ring is crucial. Let’s explore some of the best options that combine beauty, durability, and significance.


Diamonds are the traditional choice for engagement rings, known for their brilliance and durability. They symbolize eternal love and commitment. At Davidson Jewels, you can find the best clarity diamond that suits your taste and budget.


Sapphires, especially in their deep blue hues, are a stunning alternative to diamonds. They represent wisdom and loyalty. But how does the sapphire vs diamond price compare? Sapphires are generally more affordable, offering a luxurious yet budget-friendly option.


Emeralds are perfect for those who love the rich green color and its association with growth and renewal. They’re a bit softer than diamonds and sapphires, so they need to be cared for properly.


Rubies, with their intense red color, are ideal for those who want a bold and passionate symbol of their love. They are durable and stunning, making them a great choice for engagement rings.


Amethysts offer a unique purple hue that stands out. They are also more affordable and symbolize clarity and calm, making them a beautiful and meaningful choice.

Sapphire vs Diamond Price: What to Consider?

When choosing between sapphires and diamonds, price is a significant factor. Diamonds tend to be more expensive, especially those with higher clarity and carat weight. Sapphires, while still luxurious, are generally more affordable. Consider your budget and the significance you attach to each stone when making your decision.

Finding the Best Calgary Jewelry Stores

Looking for the perfect engagement ring in Calgary? You’re in luck! Calgary is home to some exquisite jewelry stores, with Davidson Jewels being a standout. Here’s why.

Davidson Jewels: Crafting Unique Love Stories

At Davidson Jewels, every piece of jewelry tells a unique story. They specialize in custom engagement rings, guiding you through the entire design process to create a ring that captures your love story perfectly.

Quality and Craftsmanship

Davidson Jewels prides itself on the highest quality and craftsmanship. They use only the best gemstones and materials, ensuring your ring is not only beautiful but also durable.

Personalized Service

What sets Davidson Jewels apart is their personalized service. They understand that choosing an engagement ring is a deeply personal experience and provide expert guidance to help you make the best choice.

Engagement Ring and Wedding Ring Difference

What’s the difference between an engagement ring and a wedding ring? While both symbolize love and commitment, they serve different purposes and are worn at different times.

Engagement Rings

Engagement rings are typically given during a proposal. They often feature a prominent gemstone, like a diamond or sapphire, and are worn on the left ring finger.

Wedding Rings

Wedding rings, exchanged during the wedding ceremony, are usually simpler bands that complement the engagement ring. They symbolize the official union and are also worn on the left ring finger.

Diamond Rings in Calgary

Calgary offers a plethora of options for diamond rings. Whether you’re looking for a classic solitaire or a modern design, Davidson Jewels has a stunning collection that caters to all tastes and budgets.


Choosing the perfect engagement ring is a journey of love and commitment. Whether you’re exploring birthstones month by month, comparing sapphire vs diamond prices, or searching for the best Calgary jewelry stores, remember that your ring should be a reflection of your unique love story. At Davidson Jewels, you’ll find the expertise and craftsmanship to bring your vision to life. Visit our website at https://davidsonjewels.com/ today and start your journey towards finding the perfect symbol of your love.

Call to Action

Ready to find your dream engagement ring? Visit Davidson Jewels at 533 Riverfront Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 1K2, Canada, or call +1 403 457 3307 to schedule a consultation. Discover the magic of personalized service and exquisite craftsmanship. Your perfect ring awaits!

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